Oasis Academy Temple Quarter is looking for a
Head of Year
Head of Year Job Description POST: Head of Year RESPONSIBLE TO: Head of School, under the day to day management and leadership of the Academy Leadership Team
RESPONSIBLE FOR: 360 Year Team Managers GRADE: L3 – L7 KEY RELATIONSHIPS: Academy Leadership Team; relevant teaching and support staff; external agencies; parents; local community; other Oasis Academies and Oasis Community Learning central staff LOCATION: Oasis Academy Temple Quarter, Bristol WORKING PATTERN: Full-time and as described in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document
JOB PURPOSE: To provide leadership for students in the Year group and their 360 Year Team Managers. To secure high quality pastoral care for students in the Year group to ensure that they receive 360° degrees of care, guidance and support. To establish, maintain and monitor high academic standards, in line with the trajectory across the Year group. To carry out the professional duties of a qualified teacher in accordance with the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document
DISCLOSURE LEVEL: Enhanced RESPONSIBILITIES A. Strategic Direction and Development • To work closely with the Head of School’s Leadership Team to discuss and take forward the Academy Development Plan and determine policy and procedures which promote high achievement through effective pastoral care and teaching and learning • To implement the Oasis Way with the support of the Leadership Team. • To create an environment where students and staff develop and maintain positive attitudes towards pastoral care and teaching and learning • To use data effectively to monitor and evaluate student progress, planning and implementing effective intervention to support all pupils to achieve highly, in consultation with Subject Leaders and Assistant Head of Schools. • To contribute to the Academy Development Plan and the annual evaluation cycle • To lead and implement the Raising Achievement Plan for the Year group • To celebrate and nurture positive student engagement with the Academy and learning, to include supporting wider activities and facilitating student barometer groups • To build positive relationships with parents which contribute to student success • To monitor the consistency of expectations and implementation of the Academy Culture for Learning policy • To support the effective implementation of our Graduated Response, to include managing the Relational Support Plans • To contribute to developing and ensuring the implementation of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural curriculum, which celebrates the Academy’s ethos • To implement joint strategies with colleagues, parents and other agencies to raise attendance, improve punctuality and lower levels of disengagement • To implement the Academy rewards system • To ensure a programme of high-quality assemblies, and an effective tutorial programme which promote high quality care, guidance and support, and celebrate the Academy ethos • To co-ordinate the assessment and reporting process for the Year group B. Monitoring the quality of teaching and learning across the Year group • To play a role within the Academy’s monitoring evaluation and review cycle through lesson observations, feedback to teaching staff and written reports to the Head of School, the Leadership Team and curriculum leaders. • In liaison with curriculum leaders, to complete regular work sampling and student interviews with feedback to the Head of School and the Leadership Team To monitor and evaluate the work of 360 Year Team Managers. C. Progress of students • To map progress of students against trajectories, prior attainment and local and national norms • To monitor the effective implementation and maintenance of Student Achievement Folders for the year group • To identify students at risk of underachieving through effective use of data and other information provided by parents, peers, curriculum leaders, class teachers, tutors or Year Leaders • To organise mentoring for target groups of students at risk of underachieving through the use of teacher, support staff, peer, and external mentors as appropriate • To analyse attainment data by micro population against prior attainment and local and national norms and provide appropriate intervention through the Raising Attainment Process • To provide regular updates and written reports on the re-integration of excluded students into the academy. D. Target setting To support the centralising of target-setting for all subject areas E. Provision for students with Special Educational Needs/ Disabilities • To support the SENCO and other staff to monitor the use and evaluate the effectiveness of IEPs, PSPs and statement provision F. Provision for looked after children • To ensure provision of looked-after children is equitable through work sampling, lesson observations, and monitoring of progress for target group G. Leading and Managing Staff • To take an active role within the Academy’s Performance Management policy in addition to promoting and providing Continuous Professional Development opportunities to ensure the professional effectiveness of teaching and support staff colleagues • To maintain clear expectations, high standards of professionalism and collaboration to meet the Academy Improvement Planning priorities A. Safeguarding Children Oasis Community Learning is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff to share this commitment and to undergo appropriate checks, including enhanced DBS checks. OTHER: The person undertaking this role is expected to work within the policies, ethos and aims of the Academy and to carry out such other duties as may reasonably be assigned by the Head of School. The postholder will be expected to have an agreed flexible working pattern to ensure that all relevant functions are fulfilled through direct dialogue with employees, contractors and community members. The above responsibilities are subject to the general duties and responsibilities contained in the Statement of Conditions of Employment. The duties of this post may vary from time to time without changing the general character of the post or level of responsibility entailed. Person Specification Our Purpose Oasis Academies exists to provide a rich and balanced educational environment which caters for the whole person - academically, vocationally, socially, morally, spiritually, physically, emotionally and environmentally. Our task is to serve our students as well as to provide a learning hub for the entire community. In this way we will raise aspirations, unlock potential and work to achieve excellence through encouraging a ‘can do’ culture which nurtures confident and competent people. Oasis Community Learning Ethos Our ethos is an expression of our character - it is a statement of who we are and therefore the lens through which we assess all we do. Our work is motivated and inspired by the life, message and example of Christ, which shapes and guides every aspect of each of our schools. This is foundational to our belief that all people are created and loved by God as equal and unique beings, and to our commitment to model inclusion and compassion throughout all the aspects of the life and culture of each Academy community. For further information, please refer to the OCL Purpose, Ethos and Values document which accompanies this job description. Essential Desirable Qualifications • Recent, successful professional development • Qualified Teacher Status • A Degree + PGCE (or equivalent qualification) and evidence of continuing professional development • Successful middle leadership experience Experience skills and knowledge • Developed understanding of the curriculum. • Able to articulate a coherent vision for the Year group. • Proven ability to think and work strategically and implement plans • Evidence of excellent teaching ability. • Experience of teaching across the wide range of abilities. • Evidence of raising achievement • Excellent Interpersonal and communication skills • Competent in ICT and willing to be trained as required. • A demonstrable ability to analyse performance data, reviewing patterns and take appropriate action. • Demonstrable ability to undertake rigorous self-evaluation and use the findings effectively. • Able to prioritise and manage own time effectively, balancing the demands made by teaching, subject or team management and involvement in Academy development. • Experience of collaborative work with other educational institutions • Experience of teaching in more than one secondary school • Team leadership experience in schools • Experience in effectively deploying and managing staff. • Evidence of effective finance and resource management Determined, clear thinking and outward looking Personal Qualities Willingness to own Oasis Community Learning ethos and values Belief in the potential of all young people to achieve excellence A good role model for other staff and students - relentlessly enthusiastic, reliable and committed. A commitment to high standards of student work and conduct A demonstrable commitment to the performance management and development of staff. Able to demonstrate diplomacy, credibility and stature Creative thinker Team player who is able to work collaboratively in a diverse team Comfortable when working in uncharted territory Commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Willingness to undergo appropriate checks, including enhanced CRB checks. Motivation to work with children and young people Ability to form and maintain appropriate relationships and personal boundaries with children and young people Emotional resilience in working with challenging behaviours and attitudes to use of authority and maintaining discipline
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To apply for the position of Head of Year at Oasis Academy Temple Quarter, please download and complete (by saving to your computer) the above Application Form and Equal Opportunities Monitoring Forms and either submit the forms Online (by clicking 'Apply Online') or by Emailing the academy directly.
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